Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, was first reported in Wuhan, China. It has now spread to countries around the world.
Prevention tips to reduce the risk of infection of Coronavirus, Covid-19
- Wash your hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand rub or soap & water.
- Disinfect your main-door handles, and calling bell switches frequently.
- If you have to go out on any work, come back to the house, the first thing to do is thoroughly wash your hands and change your clothes immediately.
- If you have traveled either international or domestic, please quarantine yourself for 15 days. If possible, avoid traveling.
- Improve your immunity with adequate sleep, vitamin C, and don’t stress yourself.
- Be more responsible for protecting themselves and self-disclosure if any suspect in case of infection.
Precautions using shared resources in the gated community
- Avoid large gatherings or social interactions in the community
- Avoid lift usage; use the staircase to the extent possible.
- Avoid public transportation such as metros, buses, cabs, and sharing with strangers to the extent possible.
- Avoid usage of the gym; children play areas and swimming pools.
- Help needy who requires daily needs, especially senior citizens in the community.
Precautions at home
- Maintain emergency helpline numbers & contact address list such as Corona Isolation Ward provided by the Hospitals near your locality.
- No gatherings at home.
- Avoid children to play outside and keep them occupied at home.
Always wear Face Mask & Carry Hand Sanitizers with you.
Visit for the Advice published by WHO at below link: